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Re: Tome of People
« on: August 24, 2013, 11:24:22 pm »
Page 2: Races

Surfacian Human (default): no bonuses or penalties
Endanian Human: Assassin and Ninja classes requirements are halved, gains 1 extra HP/SMP/MP stat point every 5 levels
Surfacian Inhuman: no bonuses or penalties
Draconian Inhuman: no bonuses or penalties
Ciraian Inhuman: high intelligence, vulnerable to Poison
Sylraphian Inhuman: vulnerable to Poison, low speed, +25% of enemies dropping items
Esiësian Inhuman: vulnerable to Aura, high speed
Endanian Inhuman: vulnerable to Chthonic, starts with Eye of Truth, has 35 points of HP less than other classes, Assassin and Ninja classes requirements are halved
Orc: more strength, default element is Darkness, weak perception.
Dwarf: more defense, weak perception in illuminated areas.
Undead: immune to poison, default element is Darkness, default alignment is Chaotic
Troll: high defense, default element is Earth, default alignment is Chaotic
Twin Troll: high defense, default element is Earth, default alignment is Chaotic, has two heads (allowing it to equip two helmets and have Head 3/4 as Appearance stuff), has low intelligence
Werecreature: Weak against Light and silver, shapechanges at night on a full moon, default alignment is Chaotic
Karjamian: Low HP
Nyanyen: Low HP, starts with Cute Meow and Shape Change, more speed in cat form, more strength in human form
Kobold: Low strength, high HP, immune to poison
Glorphian: Immune to poison, low strength, is weak to Darkness
Spirit: immune to poison, default alignment is Unaligned, low HP, high MP
5th Elemental: weak against Dark and Light, default element is Quintessence, Elementalist class required only 100 CP to obtain using any weapon
Wose: default element is Nature, has high strength but low speed, is weak to Fire, regenerates 8 HP per turn
Surfacian Unknown: no bonuses or penalties
Draconian Unknown: default element is Blah, weak against Chaos
Ciraian Unknown: is immune to blindness, default alignment is Lawful, default element is Pizza
Sylraphian Unknown: high agility, low strength, default element is Astral
Esiësian Unknown: vulnerable to Aura, high strength, default element is Fabric
Endanian Unknown: default element is Darkness, low strength, high agility, Assassin and Ninja classes requirements are halved
Byaguriakiran: has a lower weight than other races
Forest Elf: more speed in forests, default element is Nature, good perception, no penalties, default alignment is Neutral
Frost Elf: more speed in frozen areas, default element is Ice, good defense, no penalties, default alignment is Lawful
Desert Elf: more speed in deserts, default element is Earth, good magical defense, awful attack, default alignment is Neutral
North Dark Elf: more speed at night, default element is Darkness, good magical offense and speed, awful defense, default alignment is Chaotic, all North Dark Elf NPCs are friendly while all South Dark Elf NPCs are hostile
South Dark Elf: more speed at night, default element is Darkness, good magical offense and speed, awful defense, default alignment is Chaotic, all South Dark Elf NPCs are friendly while all North Dark Elf NPCs are hostile
Evernight: gets more critical hits at night, default alignment is Chaotic, Evernight enemies will not harm parties with Evernight characters
Everlight: gets more critical hits at day, default alignment is Lawful, Everlight enemies will not harm parties with Everlight characters
Fairy: default element is Fairy, female characters gain a bonus to agility, male characters get a bonus to strength

Characters in the Chronicles Campaign with Default Elements will always start with "None" as an element, and will gain access to their Default Element once they reach Level 5.
In the Otherworld Campaign, they automatically begin with their Default Element.

There are many more races, but they are to be discovered, or might not exist on planet Endania.
In addition, if a race has no bonuses or penalties, it might be that they are to be discovered.

NOTE: All Unknowns have a chance to assimilate that which are killed, allowing them to learn one technique from a slain enemy. However, assimilating a different enemy will result in the previous one being lost.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 09:24:07 am by KarjamP »
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